Hello to you. Have you stopped to ponder what has been good in your day today? Is the habit contageous? I hope so!
I chat with my lovely daughter almost daily now. What a gift! And today, she proposed the idea that we, her and I, should write a book together. Can you imagine!? She wants us to write a book about our journey as mother and daughter. She wants it to be real. We begin at the beginning and end with looking forward. My kid. My kid suggested this. My kid with whom I have journeyed a rough and tumble road. My kid, who allows me to be my fully authentic self with no reproach. My kid, who accepts me as I am. I imagine her writing the same about me. Holy cow people, have we come a long way or what!?
So I shared with her a story I wrote sometime ago. You can read it here http://hwiedemann.blogspot.com/ - it's entitled Just Maybe, This Time. I am amazed that I was able to share it with her. I am amazed that we can now talk about those days, understand them in their context, forgive ourselves and each other, and love each other fiercely all the more.
Oh my am I grateful. I love you Holly. I love the strong, independent, wise woman you are becoming, the fierce mother you are, the most wonderful daughter you are. Thank you. With much gratitude and a full heart.
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