I am grateful I have a husband who does as much laundry as mine does.
I am grateful for the orchid I have growing in my living room, it's spectacular.
I am grateful for the two naps I got to take today.
I am grateful we are only doing one seder.
I am grateful my niece connected with me. She is an awesome girl and I love her very much.
I am very grateful about our upcoming trip, because I very much need a vacation.
I am grateful for all the pitching in Honey's family does for this big dinner we're having.
I was grateful to find a big bunch of my favourite bubble bath left over earlier today!
I am very grateful for my awesome physiotherapist, who not only takes excellent care of me, but follows up via email with information I might need to make my vacation a happy one. I feel very taken care of by her, and I am really grateful about that. Her business card says "Because a good physiotherapist is hard to find..", indeed! She put me back together (ha ha) this morning and I'm grateful.
And that folks, is it for today... back to the kitchen for me!
Sounds like a pretty good Tuesday.