I am sure the birds are as happy as I am about the sunny, +18 degree day we are having. As a matter of fact it supposed to go up to 26 on Saturday. Doesn't seem possible - it being April 1, but there you have it.
As I lie here on the couch writing, windows open, I hear the kids in the lane playing street hockey. No one calling the police here! (Honestly can you believe someone called the police, here in Montreal, because a group of kids was playing street hockey! What is this city coming to?!). I for one am grateful to hear them. There is a certain sense of continuity in hearing them play. A certainty that the weather is in fact changing, that this is not some kind of fluke, that the neighbourhood is waking up and coming out of it's deep winter sleep. Let the Lane Parties begin!!!
Ah .. I feel very grateful at the moment.
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