Saturday, January 30, 2010

January 30 - Play Time

Good day to you. How has your day been? Mine has been lovely. I've been playing! Getting dirty! Soooo nice.

My dear friend Christiane has a pottery studio on the South Shore. I have mentioned before that I've been invited to go on a bi-monthly basis. Today I built amazing "lampions" - they are tall, elegant vessels for candle light. What fun that was. I made 7 of them! Even better - I am full of ideas for other things to make: a turtle candle, something with a balloon as the shape-maker, lamp shades - all out of the finest of liquid-porcelain and cheese cloth, fancy that! And, and! I have two bags of wood fire porcelain downstairs. I am going to revive them. I am going to make magic boxes out of them and have some of them fired in a wood kiln, and some I will smoke fire! I saw a very inspiring piece on an a poster at the studio.

A creative outlet has been missing for me for far too long. I am really very grateful to a) have someone as amazing as Cri Cri as a dear, dear friend, b) to have a friend like Cri Cri who has a studio!!!

I am grateful for the amazing things I get to do in my life. Today it's about friends, creating with them, cooking for them, ... life is good. I am grateful.

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